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Re: bugzilla or wiki? Or: how should we handle our bugs?


we faced (Fotón, one of grupo cpd companies www.grupocpd.com ) that question 
back in 2002. By that time we used perl as our major development language. 
Wiki was a risk but we loved it. We collaborated in twiki development with 
patches and stuff. During that year we came with an idea, what about 
integrate somehow twiki + RT?

We did it in 2003. RT did not index its content so we use it only for 
notifications and keep the state of a bug. So in twiki, by adding some tags 
to a content and with certain sintax, you generate automatically a ticket in 
RT. You can see and change the state of the bug and some info from RT in 

It is not a goodlooking solution (for geeks only) but it is 2007 and we 
haven't found a better tool to do so. Now we have abandoned perl (we only 
maintain products made in perl) and we are thinking about how can we make the 
next step....

Maybe one of these days we find the way, the time and the money to do it. 
Until then, the only tool we have found that like us a little bit is trac. It 
has it all integrated and is python made. It is the internal tool we have 
used for mEDUXa project. 

We prefer though integrate a wiki and a bugtracker somehow.

El Viernes, 27 de Abril de 2007 17:33, Patrick Winnertz escribió:
> Hey guys!
> I had today an closer look on the remaining bugs in debian-edu, and I
> recognised during this that we use two tools to track our bugs...
> bugzilla and wiki.debian.org.
> Sometimes the bug is in both, or the bug is only in bugzilla or in the
> wiki. This make it very complicated to have an good overview.
> To solve this and to give us a better overview what has to be done I
> would suggest:
> 1.) Move the complete bugs into the bugzilla (maybe clean it from old
> and uninteresting bugs before doing so). this is the way I prefer since:
>  - Each bug is assigned to anybody
>  - Each bug has a ID
>  - The buglist gaves an better overview than the wiki statuspage.
>  - Discussion of bugs possible
> 2.) Drop the bugzilla and use only the wiki. This has the advantage that
> we don't have to clean the bugzilla ;-).
> the disatvantage is, we don't have real bug IDs. everybody can delete an
> bug without we would recognise it. (only an mail on commits). And it is
> hard to discuss the bug there (or we have to create subpages for each bug)
> Okay, as I wrote above, I would prefer to use bugzilla to track our
> bugs. What do the others think? Any other suggestions? Any comments?
> Okay, /me is now going back into the sun ;-)
> Have a nice weekend!
> Greetings
> Patrick
> --
>  .''`.   Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz@skolelinux.org>
> : :'  :  GNU/Linux Debian-Edu Developer
> `. `'`   http://www.der-winnie.de http://d.skolelinux.org/~winnie
>   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems


Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Grupo CPD

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