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Re: openSUSE to release "add-on" distro image dubbed 'SLEDucator'

El mar, 26-06-2007 a las 20:17 +0200, Knut Yrvin escribió:
> On Tuesday 26. June 2007 17:42, José L. Redrejo Rodríguez wrote:
> > But they have a lot of money and
> > people and, if some day they do it seriously, we could speak in a medium
> > term of about 500.000 pcs running Novell. And that amount has to be
> > taken into account.
> In Norway they got a sales staff of 6-7 people. Its now people selling 
> hardware with preinstalled Skolelinux, and they can match Novells effort. 
> Novell covers rest of the industrial and public sector too, so they got a 
> whole lot of ground to cover. 
> The reason we got people selling Skolelinux in Norway, is because we have 
> invested in such an approach. It's same situation in Germany where Debian is 
> supported commercially.
> * City of Munich begins Linux migration:
> http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/6187/360
> * Munich's KDE distribution LiMux has been certified to meet 
>    the international usability standard ISO 9241: 
> http://dot.kde.org/1179818755/
> I got an distinct feeling that several Spanish regional government are not 
> interested in supporting local entrepreneurship based on inland competence. 
> They want to buy from GNU/Linux suppliers which sells it as Microsoft sells 
> Windows. Regional governments buy a brand and more additional consultancy 
> effort, costing more than the competitor. 
> German cities got an other viewpoint. This was also the advice from Ministry 
> of Education and Research in Norway. They suggested us to make a support 
> business. Through that schools had someone to call professionally, where 
> voluntary support are difficult to get on daytime, and you need that to get 
> your server up running if anythings screws up. So we made a business which 
> selling support agreements to schools. 

I don't think it is something that has been thought in that way. It's
just a question of size and legal conditions. Education in Spain depends
on the regional governments not on the municipalities. So, the size of
the public tenders is much bigger. I've participated this year in a
couple of tenders for simple things  and they are always with big
budgets (p. ex. installing only one interactive board in every primary
school in the region was almost 500.000 euros). The companies that bid
for this tenders have  demonstrate a long experience and deposit an
important economical warranty (40.000 for a 500.000 € tender).  That's
easy if you are going to do a road, as local building companies have
millions of euros, but a local software company can not afford it. If
the interactive boards tender were for only a city would be accessible
to small companies.
On the other hand, you're right guessing that chiefs think that nobody
has been fired hiring IBM, even if the project fails...
José L.

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