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/skole/ (was Re: Login possible only with root)


On Thursday 30 August 2007 16:16, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> > So the documentation entry we need is "Please note if you do manual
> > partitioning that you should mount a partition for home-directories
> > to /skole/tjener/home0 otherwise some things will not work as
> > expected."?
> Not sure about the wording, but the requirement is that the directory
> exist on a main-server(+whatever) installation.  It can be a separate
> partition or just a subdirectory.

I've added this to the documentation now and by doing so realized that this 
path doesn't conform with the FHS (File Hierarchy Standard), which is part of 
debian policy...

What other directories are used in /skole ?


(P.S.: It's fine for local admins to create /any/path/they/want - but we are 
making a distribution ;-)

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