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Strange behavior of diskless w.s.

Hi all, I'm in a class room with two servers.
They have the same kind of installation (ltsp+main terra).
One is 64 bit, the other is 32 bit but that should not matter.

With the 64 bit all machines boot fine like DWS.
With the 32 bit, the boot starts but hang up showing:

"rootserver: rootpath: /opt/ltsp/i386
filename: /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0
mount call failes: 13"

and repeat continuosly this message.

I know that happen when you don't add a machine to lwat but I did!

in dhcpd.conf

host static01 {
   hardware ethernet 00:21:5A:72:D9:B7;
   fixed-address static01;
   filename "/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0";
   option root-path  "/opt/ltsp/i386";
   next-server tjener; # for a combi server

Then I added "static01" to lwat and it successfully saved it.
I also added this machine to the workstation-hosts magic group.

The same I did on the other server that is running fine.

I also tryed to modify example
/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default like this

DEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img quiet splash root=/dev/nfs
ip=dhcp  nfsroot=/opt/ltsp/i386

But it didn't work and on the 64 bit server was not necessesary to modify it.

What can it be? Am I missing some "stupid" thing?

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