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Re: [Bruker] RE: Evolution trouble

Mandag 7. desember 2009, skrev eheil1@gmail.com:
> Are there anyone here that know about these errors, and a solution?

Eveloution is not recommended as a e-mail/calender application 
connecting to Microsoft Exchange because of three main reasons: 

First Microsoft removed WebDAV support in Exchange 2007 launched in 
November 2006. Then the OWA Connector in Evolutions lost its ability to 
talk Exchange 2007. This talk at GUADEC 2008 explains the situation: 


Secondly Evolution gets trouble handling Norwegian characters after 
received +4000 mails. According to users, Exchange exhausting the memory 
usage on the machine when running. Even systems with 1 GB RAM get 

Third if you hear Linux-developers advice you on using Evolution in a 
corporate setting, you should be aware of the lack of product quality in 
an enterprise setting (when you got 600-700 logged on users and +3000 
user accounts). 

* What to do then? 

Don't despair. You got several options: 

-- You can replace your expensive MS Exchange install with Zimbra[1]. 
   It cost less to merge to Zimbra than paying licenses for next MS 
   Exchange release. 
   1. http://www.zimbra.com/ 

-- An other solution is Kolab Groupware Solution which is sponsored by 
   the German ministry of interior:  
   2. http://www.kolab.org/index.html

-- If you want to use a stable free software client which uses 
   MS Exchange, you should wait until Openchange is ready: 

   3. http://www.openchange.org/

   Openchange addresses the hurdles dealing with the 
   changing Microsoft interfaces (API's) in newer MS 
   Exchange versions. That's  possible after EU competitive 
   authorities forced Microsoft to document their API's in 
   2004. Microsoft delayed the EU ruling, and got an 
   additional 899 million Euro fine[4] in 2008. 
   Then the free software community were able to get 
   the needed documentation to support MS Exchange. 
   4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7266629.stm

* Openchange are already supporting the PIM client 
   on KDE, also known as Kontact. As this slides shows 
   from Linux Conference Australia January 2009: 
   5. http://www.openchange.org/images/Conferences/lca2009-hards.pdf

* Openchange support for Evolution also make good 

Most likely Openchange support for different Linux clients (as Kontact or 
Evolution) will be production ready late 2010. Warning. This is a 
prediction. It might be earlier or later. Please consult the roadmap: 


-- If you insist on using Evolution with MS Exchange, you might do this 
as an experiment with a few users. But to prevent disappointments, you 
might use the Microsoft web-client if the computer staff at the 
municipality insist on using MS Exchange instead of free software 
counterparts as Zimbra[1] or Kolab[2]. Zimbra are used in organisations 
with 50.000 users. Kolab got installations from 3000 to 300.000 users. 

Best regards

Knut Yrvin

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