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Re: [Bug 1404] Gnash are filling up .xsession-errors

2009/12/18  <drift@skolelinux.org>:
> http://bugs.skolelinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1404
> --- Comment #3 from Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com>  2009-12-18 13:08:22 ---
> I've created a patch for this issue and submitted it to the BTS, and asked
> the maintainers in Debian if they are willing to do a stable update to fix
> this issue.
> I've also created a new package and uploaded it to lenny-test, where it is
> currently waiting in NEW.  It should be accepted if we decide to take on the
> maintainence burden of a gnash backport.  Not sure we have the man-power for
> it,
> and it might be better to just drop gnash from the default installation and
> leave people completely without flash support until they install extra
> packages.

In my opinion gnash -even the latest version- is still not suitable
for the average end user in education -though it is evolving at a
great speed-, if what they want is to deal with any random swf
contents in the internet. If the target is just a definite subset of
flash films, it could be considered, though.


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