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Re: What is a 'VideoEditor'? (Was: Which video editor should we install by default?)

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:47:48PM +0100, idiotein30@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi, did you mix up with stopmotion ?

No - I never used stopmotion but know in principle what it is doing and
when I fired up the help system of OpenShots it started talking about
turning photos into a video.  For sure *before* I used the help system I
tried without it and it was not intuitive (provided my intuition is not
completely broken which I'm sometimes honestly afraid of).

> If not import the video(s) you want
> to work with in the clip library (right-clic > add), then drag the video
> on a track. Play it to the point where you want to cut it, zoom in if
> needed (ctrl + wheel will do that, magnifier icons too). Select the
> "scalpel" tool from the toolbar and cut. Go back to the selection tool
> (arrow) and drag the unwanted piece to another "storage" track, or
> discard it.
> Do it for every clip, create new tracks to keep the ability to overlap
> sequences and add transition effects as desired (choose from the tab
> "transitions", drag the desired one where you want it to be, right-clic
> it to adjust properties).
> Then export it to whatever format you like to use.

I'd recommend sending a text like this to upstream for inclusion in
their help system ...

Thanks to you and Klaus for enlighting me



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