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Bug#626061: Another link showing the problems


another blog entry mentioning the firefox vs. NFS problems:


with just another script to work around them:


> > - The tendency for iceweasel to have unaccessible bookmarks and history
> >   after a "crash" is quite new, on older systems iceweasel just refuses
> >   to
> >   start.
> yup, places.sqlite is used since iceweasel3

That's not what I meant. The problems mostly seen by me concern left over
lock files preventing iceweasel from starting. Only recently have I
personally seen iceweasel refusing to open bookmarks or history. In other
words, the problems seem to get worse with newer iceweasel (sub-)versions.

Anyway, for schools I recommend turning off the history and disabling
search-as-you-type (at least for terminal servers), which reduces the
probability of encountering the problems in this bug report.

Dipl.-Inform. Erik Auerswald                http://www.fg-networking.de/
auerswald@fg-networking.de Tel: +49-631-4149988-0 Fax: +49-631-4149988-9

Gesellschaft für Fundamental Generic Networking mbH
Geschäftsführung: Volker Bauer, Jörg Mayer
Gerichtsstand: Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern - HRB: 3630

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