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NetworkManager setup in Debian Edu

Hi all,

I have just posted some bug issues that occurred when very intensively testing Debian Edu at end of April. I skipped through the SVN logs but seemingly noone had so far worked on the code that relates to the reported issues. If otherwise, I will be happy.

There is one issue on my list still that I do not want to report as a bug as it might rather been a discussion of concept.

We really had some trouble getting fat clients (SL workstations) up and running on their first boot after installation. Mostly always the network-manager service was involved with these issues.

Maybe we find some time in Hamburg to discuss optimal network setup (and the order of services needed for that)...



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

GnuPG Key ID 0xB588399B
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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