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Re: browser races

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 09:56:01AM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> I'd advise you to actually search throught the list archives (including
> debian-release) before, and you'll notice, that the topic has been
> covered already, and well discussed.

Thanks for the hint.  I do not see any need to just restart a well
discussed topic.
> Problem with the newer firefox is, that it would break quite some
> reverse depends, therefore it's uploaded to experimental till at least
> some of the reverse depends are fixed.

Well, that will be possibly true for all those following Firefox
releases and for me there is no visible strategy to get some specific
version to unstable.  The link posted here[1] gives advise how to get a
local installation to /opt - this does NOT sound like light at the end
of the tunnel but rather like we have no clue whether we get some recent
Firefox version to unstable in a foreseeable future.

But as I said, I do not want to start another flameware and trust your
word that people are controling the issue.

Kind regards


[1] http://blog.steve.org.uk/so_you_want_to_install_the_most_recent_firefox_.html


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