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Re: Running skolelinux virtually in production?

Hi Peter,

I will defenately look into this.
My reason for wanting to run it virtually is mainly becuase I know that from time to time you get problems when updating or changing things, so it would be nice to have a dev install to test things out before it goes live.
Like I did the other day, I upgraded the chroot and sound stopped working on what would have been about 30% of our clients (if it would have been a live situation. For now its not, Im just testing.)
But to run it virtually it has to give good prestanda and a safe and clean solution. I will try it out.

Thanks  /George

--- Den tors 2012-03-22 skrev Peter Mueller <skolelinux@mueller-alsenz.de>:

Från: Peter Mueller <skolelinux@mueller-alsenz.de>
Ämne: Re: Running skolelinux virtually in production?
Till: debian-edu@lists.debian.org
Datum: torsdag 22 mars 2012 20:05

Hi George,

i'm running several skolelinux servers with a kvm virtualization
solution named proxmox ve (http://www.proxmox.com). It is easy to manage
(completly web based) and supports time scheduled backup jobs.

This solution is open source and runs without any problems, some
machines have already two years and more uptime. The ProxmoxVE server is
a debian based solution and can be installed from cdrom and you have a
ready to use kvm server after reboot. Proxmox provides a debian repo for
installation on a (clean and fresh) debian lenny or squeeze installation

They provide a forum and a wiki where you can additional installation,
setup and configuration infos.

In two schools we are running an x2go terminalserver together with the
tjener on one single server (hp dl180 g6), but mostly we have an ipfire
gateway as second virtual machine.

Because of the debian based structure you can run the server on software
raid, if hardware raid would be too expensive. Proxmox.com says it's not
recommended, but possible when installing debian and after that proxmox
from their repo's.

In one sentence: It's an cheap, powerful and easy to manage solution.

I like it ;-)

Viele Grüße / Kind Regards
Peter Mueller

Am 22.03.2012 14:05, schrieb George:
> Hi,
> ive been testing debian-edu for some time now and googled around for a
> solution to run it virtually. We are just one school and we dont have
> much extra resources (extra servers..) so I thought it would be a good
> idea to run it via kvm or something. I guess virtualbox is not safe
> enough for server use?
> Is this a good idea at all? Anyone running it like that? If so, are
> there any good guides out there?
> I found https://www.ltsp-cluster.org/documentation/howto/openvz-setup
> which seems to be supported by revolutionlinux, but the guide seems a
> bit old(ish)..
> Most of all, I would like your input on the subject. How are you running
> your servers? what is "best setup" for skolelinux?
> Regards  /George

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