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Re: import with csv, generated uids and passwords

Hi Sonja,

On Di 28 Aug 2012 12:40:05 CEST Schul-Support-Service wrote:

after installing a skole6 with GOsa² 2.6.11, we have to import student entries from a .csv file. (lets say 230 students or more, that is a common usecase)
the following problems occured:

first, the UIDs. We do not want to generate them by oureself (round about makes 323 uid's, plus teachers,...): - there already was a fix for the not given uid, so we patched our system with patch number #1146 (https://oss.gonicus.de/labs/gosa/attachment/ticket/1146/csvimport.patch)

Our dummy.csv had the entries 'sn' and 'givenName' and we expected an output with 'sn', 'givenName', a generated 'password' and 'uid' (ideally also generated by gosa..) What we got: 'sn', 'givenName', 'uid' and 'status' but only in 3 columns! A shifted output without passwords, which actually should be generated.

That leads us to the following question: Is there already a fix? OR, - because we are already working on it and are willing to give you menpower - shall we make another csvimport.patch (with our password-solution) and 'you' release it? Ideally it is inserted into skole6, so we only have to install the skole-servers without patching every single server.

I have been thinking about your request for a couple of days and my recommendation is this...

Check with latest gosa in Debian 2.7.4-4 and see if the problem does exist in that version as well.

To run a Tjener with GOsa² 2.7.4-4 who have to backport:

  smarty3 (from wheezy)
  smarty-gettext (from wheezy)
  slbackup-php (from sid)
  gosa (from wheezy/sid)

If the problem still exists with these versions, file a bug + patch against the gosa src:package in Debian BTS and make sure the bug disappears in the gosa version found in Debian wheezy (or at least sid).

Once that is done, we have two goals reached:

  o Debian Edu wheezy (or jessie) will have the wanted feature
  o via squeeze-backports (and wheezy-backports) we can prepare packages that
    can be installed on Debian Edu squeeze (or wheezy)

I am sure that we will not get this non-RC/non-important issue past the release team for squeeze-updates, so we have to look ahead and fix things for wheezy (or even jessie).


PS: I am already thinking about creating squeeze-backports packages of smarty3 and smarty-gettext (though smarty-gettext may become a little tricky here, as it is for smarty2 in squeeze and for smarty3 in wheezy).


mike gabriel, rothenstein 5, 24214 neudorf-bornstein
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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