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Re: Questions/comments on the eduroaming package

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:54:29AM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Giorgio Pioda]
> > Remember that this package is used to convert an Ubuntu plain install
> > into a ubuntu roaming WS
> Sure, I remember this.  I suspect it could also be used to convert a
> Debian plain installation to a Debian roaming workstation.
> >>  - Why isn't the package using the
> >>    /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/setup-roaming script to configure
> >>    the roaming setup?  It would allow for a more dynamic setup, without
> >>    the hardcoded LDAP and Kerberos values.
> > 
> > Well, clear why... see above
> The current Debian Edu roaming workstation setup is dynamic, looking
> up the correct LDAP and Kerberos values at installation time.  This
> make it possible for me to install a Roaming workstation at my
> university, and the machine pick up the correct LDAP and Kerberos
> settings and integrate into the university infrastructure out of the
> box.  It should also handle modified Debian Edu networks where the
> LDAP and Kerberos server is delegated to separate machines, or Debian
> Edu networks where Active Directory is used as the Kerberos server.
> Thus more flexible than the current eduroaming package. :)

Ah, didn't know it. Is it a new entry for wheezy ? I remember that
in squeeze all the kerberos stuff had to be solved manually. I've
lost some development in the meanwhile.

Thus, your script should substitute a bunch of things in my package (almost

> >>  - Why is the LDAP schemas included in /etc/ldap/schema/?  As far as I
> >>    know, only the LDAP server need them.
> >>
> > 
> > Uhmm... maybe my mistake.
> Perhaps.  The files are present in svn.  I looked at
> <URL: svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-edu/trunk/src/eduroaming >.
> >>  - Why is the etc/ldap/ssl/slapd-cert.cnf file included?  As far as I
> >>    know, only the LDAP server need it.
> > 
> > That's strange! In my last version I putted in the script
> > that fetches the cert at boot time (taken from a debian
> > roaming ws) and removed the rest.
> Well, the file is still in svn.  Perhaps the svn version isn't the
> latest source?  Please update the svn source to the latest version if
> this is the case.
> > To test it, it is very simple. You just need a fresh Ubuntu install,
> > and then try to install the package and interact with your mainserver.
> > 
> > I'll try to find some time to make a check round. Time flies...
> Great.  Lets coordinate on IRC.

Unfortunately the telecom company that gives us network access blocks IRC.
I can IRC only from home. :-(

Feel free to do some NMU if you have a ready solution. I'm right now installing
a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 in VM. But it takes some time.



Giorgio Pioda - Sysadmin SPSE-Tenero
Cell +41 79 629 20 63
Uff. +41 91 735 62 48

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