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Re: How to test Debian Edu Jessie using the current ISO (recipe for workarounds)

[Frank Weißer]
> Hi Petter!


> I happened to install 1 tjener+ltsp and 2 stand-alone-machines. Here's
> my report:


> after reboot (next day) had to re-order networkinterfaces in
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

Any idea why?  The installer and the kernel on disk should use the
same ordering, I believe.

> and fix dns-nameserver entry in
> /etc/network/interfaces
> from to to get connected to internet

This is the wrong approach.  Instead, edit
/etc/bind/named.conf.options and list the IP of your "upstream" DNS
resolver in the forwarders block.  This way you keep the internal DNS
names intact while also getting Internet connectivity.

> stand-alone:
> started installation with defaults, german and auto-partitioning
> after chosing stand-alone-machine (after editing
> /usr/bin/edu-eatmydata-install) installation finished without any
> question. Cloned the machine with clonezilla, changed hostname and
> both run well with KDE.

Very good. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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