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Re: Errors reported by our test suite in Jessie

[Wolfgang Schweer]
> These errors:
> error: ./doc: Unable to find documentation at /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/en/debian-edu-jessie-manual.html.
> error: ./nagios: Nagios count NUMSVCWARN is not zero but 1.
> error: ./postoffice: SMTP to postoffice.intern did not work.
> error: ./samba: command 'net time' segfaults.
> error: ./webcache: WPAD file 'http://wpad/wpad.dat' is missing HTTP proxy info. (#644373?)

The postoffice and nagios issue is known, see other thread.  Did you
update the disk space used in the README?  I assume the nagios issue
is too small partition of some kind.  Will need to know how much space
is used to adjust the minimum sizes.

I see the webcache issue, but do not know what the problem is.

> While this was like expected, this was not:
> Oct  8 15:39:51 preseed: running preseed command preseed/early_command: set -x; cd /tmp; archiveurl=http://ftp.skolelinux.org/debian; arch=$(archdetect | cut -d/ -f1); wget $archiveurl/dists/unstable/main/debian-installer/binary-$arch/Packages.gz; gunzip Packages.gz; packages_file=Packages; desired_udebs="debian-edu-profile-udeb"; for file in $(grep 'Filename:' $packages_file | cut -d : -f 2); do udeb=$(basename $file | cut -d _ -f 1); for u in $desired_udebs ; do if [ "$u" = "$udeb" ]; then url="$archiveurl/$file"; echo "info: Trying to fetch and install $url"; if wget $url; then udpkg --unpack $(basename $file); else echo "error: Unable to download $url"; fi; break; fi; done; done; if [ -z "$url" ] ; then echo "error: Unable to find updated udebs"; fi

This is a hack in the preseed file to get the newer udeb.

> Oct 8 18:36:03 edu-eatmydata-install: error: script
> /usr/bin/edu-eatmydata-install terminated unexpectedly.
> Oct 8 18:36:03 10debian-edu-install: error: script
> /usr/lib/finish-install.d/13debian-edu-profile-udeb terminated
> unexpectedly.

This is a bug/typo I fixed yesterday.  Package uploaded already.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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