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What should we do about linuxsignpost.org?

The first information presented to the new user of a Skolelinux
network system, include a link to http://linuxsignpost.org/ in the
side bare under the Skolelinux heading.

But the link is redirected to a non-working service

The Linux sign post was a nice web service for finding Linux
applications, and to find similar applications across operating
systems.  One could pick a windows application and get a list of Linux
applications doing the same task, or visa versa.

But the web application is not maintained at the moment, and have
broken some way or another.  What should we do about the web
application, and what should we do about the link.  I guess the
options for the web application is to fix it or remove it, and the
options for the link is to replace it, remove it or keep it and wait
for the web app to be fixed.

Anyone willing in fixing the web application and maintain the database
behind it?

Is there a good alternative maintained by someone else that is
providing a similar web service?

If none of the answers to these questions are yes, I believe we should
remove the link from the default web page.  What do the rest of you think?

You can have a look at the default page shown to users in
<URL: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-edu/debian-edu-config.git/tree/www/index.html.en >.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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