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International conference educode.be in Brussels 27, 28, 29 August 2018

Dear all,

I lead the organization of the EduCode international conference (see http://educode.be) that will take place in the center of Brussels on Monday 27 at Bozar, Tuesday 28 at ESI & ISIB and Wednesday 29 at the Royal then Académie. The conference is aimed at teachers and school directors to help them master the new digital tools and develop competences to teach these competences in their classrooms.

It will only use and show free softwares as only these can help develop the ethics of computer users in the digital ages that we know now.

We are looking for experiences, ideas, suggestions and proposals of people concerned with these subjects and especially with teachers and association who teach with free softwares.

We plan to organize a satellite meeting during Fosdem on February 3 and 4 in Brussels discuss these points with interested people.

Much thanks in advance,

Nicolas Pettiaux

Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  - nicolas@pettiaux.be

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