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Re: Crashes at C-x 1

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> writes:
> Unless you modify the startup scripts, things started on X login
> (window manager, gnome panel, etc) have a quite different environment
> than things started from a terminal (which has executed your shell
> startup scripts).
> So, I'd suggest checking out C-h v process-environment, and checking
> for any error messages in .xsession-errors, .gnome-errors, or any other
> file which looks like it might be getting written to.  Unfortunately,
> different distributions throw errors in different places....

Eli and Alan,

Many thanks for this. I suspect that there is something about my set-up
here which is causing the problem.  I'm going to send this along to
debian-emacsen too, for one more try.

Just to summarize the problem -

I'm running Debian 2.2r3, with a few packages updates from unstable
simply to compile emacs21. (dpkg, info, texinfo, sysvinit)

My window manager is Blackbox 0.61

Emacs21 is fine in the console.  If I start it from an xterm or an aterm
it is stable, everything works nicely.

If I start it from the Debian Blackbox menu or from Bbrun or gnome-run or
grun, it vanishes at the first use of C-x 1, trying to kill a second

I don't have either an .xsession-errors or .gnome-errors or anything like

EMacs 20.7 worked fine, Xemacs 21.4.5 is working well as I write!

Here's the result of C-h v process-environment

process-environment's value is ("_=/usr/bin/emacs21"
"TEXEDIT=vim" "HOME=/home/glyn" "TERM=linux" "OSTYPE=linux-gnu"
"LOGNAME=glyn" "DISPLAY=:0.0" "LANG=C" "EDITOR=vim"
"BASH_ENV=/home/glyn/.bashrc" "INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc"
"MAIL=home/glyn/.incoming" "MACHTYPE=i386-pc-linux-gnu"
"USER=glyn" "BROWSER=lynx" "NNTPSERVER=localhost" "HISTIGNORE=[
]*:&:bg:fg" "ORGANIZATION=/home/glyn/vital/organisation.txt"
"HOSTNAME=glynthebearded" "HZ=100"
"XAUTHORITY=/home/glyn/.Xauthority" "PWD=/home/glyn")

Any pointers welcome!


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