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Re: XEmacs in a bad shape

James LewisMoss <dres@debian.org> writes:

>>>>>> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 22:02:36 +0100, jmarant@nerim.net (Jérôme Marant) said:
>  jmarant> Hi,
>  jmarant> FYI, xemacs21 has currently 6 RC bugs and most of them have
>  jmarant> not been worked on. The maintainer doesn't seem to be very
>  jmarant> responsive.  Anyone using XEmacs willing to help?
> Apologies for being out of the loop for a bit.  I have a package ready
> to upload that should fix a bunch of these problems.  As soon as I can
> get logged into ftp-master it'll be uploaded.

Very good news! Thanks for keeping us informed.


Jérôme Marant


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