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Re: Some dpkg-cross issues

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Unfortunately I still fail to understand what all this is about :(.
Maybe an example of a particular package will help - could you provide one?

>> As far as I understand things, dpkg_shlibdeps should find out which
>> packages provide shared libraries required for given binaries.
> Yes. But libraries are searched system wide by default. That meant all
> installed packages are searched for the correspondig library if not
> other specified for dh_shlibdeps/dpkg-shlibdeps.

But where else, if not in insalled packages, dpkg-shlibdeps may search for 
a library? If, given some hints, it finds that library .so file is 
in /some/strange/path that does not belong to any package, how can it use 
such information? AFAIK the only output of dpkg-shlibdeps is 
${shlib:Depends}: line, that lists package names, not paths. Path 
information alone can't be useful to produce this line.

>> How could you use any path information to get package names?
> Look for the debian/package/DEBIAN/control file.

How is any path information related to DEBIAN/control file ?..
I'm not aware of any single path it this file ...

Or you mean DEBIAN/shlibs? This file should be passed to dpkg-shlibdeps AS 
shlibs.local, with -L key. And this is exactly what dh_shlibdeps does, it 
is calles with -L itself.

>> So if you call dh_shlibdeps with proper -Lpackage key, and after
>> dh_makeshlibs, current dpkg-shlibdeps wrapper should work as is
>> (unless bugs).
> Yes, for my and packages maintained by me it can be. I've problems
> with 'foreign' packages which I do not intent to modify while using
> dpkg-cross. Is it not a key feature of dpkg-cross leaving the
> manufacturing procedure as it is ?

Sure it is.
Do you mean that any 'foreign' package uses dh_shlibdeps with -l and 
without -L? If so, I think it is a plain bug that should be reported and 

>> Or probably I'm misunderstanding something?
> I'm not sure if I know all side effects nor all requirements to
> implement a wrapper for -l but I will see what happen.

I can't understand what this wrapper should do.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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