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Fw: Re: Emdebian

[bringing this discussion on to debian-embedded - Neil, julian
(devscripts maintainer) and I have been discussing how to layout
emdebian SVN and implement emdebian metadata in most supportable, but
still functional fashion (considering a patching approach, rather than

On 2006-11-07 04:49 +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 02:19:07AM +0000, Wookey wrote:
> > On 2006-11-06 20:52 +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
> > > 
> > > We'll need a customised wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage no matter what  
> > > else is done - this can be just one part of that wrapper. Even if the  
> > > wrapper only calls emlocale [1] and dumps ./usr/share/doc/* to  
> > > /dev/null it'll need to handle debian/* data differently to Debian  
> > > itself.
> > 
> > Wasn't the whole point of Julian's suggestions that once we had
> > constructed a suitable new source package with the emdebian diff, that
> > the tools wouldn't need to change at all? I like that concept.
> > dpkg-cross already diverts dpkg-buildpackage - doing it again is not
> > an option if you have that installed. 
> Stuff.  Since dpkg-buildpackage calls dpkg-source, we'll be stuffed as
> there's no obvious way we can use the standard dpkg-source.

A previous incarmnation of this work used the presence of the EMDEBIAN
environment variable to change the behaviour of tools where necesary.
dpkg-cross can also uses it to do different things. Perhaps that is
the way to get it to transparently DTRT.
> Ah, then again, maybe we should just go with the standard dpkg-source
> after all, and have other scripts handle the SVN side of things?
> That opens up a very different way of thinking....

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