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Need armel build logs for 4 packages

I've added arm-linux-gnueabi.cache files to most of the packages in
Emdebian that need arm-linux-gnu.cache files. This is done by comparing
the ARM buildd log from Debian with the armel buildd log from Debian and
checking for the results of the tests that need caching.

I have failed to find a buildd log for some packages because these were
uploaded directly to Debian:

coreutils psmisc sqlite startup-notification

coreutils has quite a long cache file (yet Emdebian does not use it by

If someone could either send me compressed native armel build logs for
these packages or upload the build logs to a server somewhere and send
me the URLs, I'd be grateful. Ta. (The build logs do need to be from a
native build on armel and for the version of the package currently in

I have had a few problems building some of the packages for armel - once
or twice, the compiler has tried to link against files
in /usr/arm-linux-gnu/lib instead of /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib and I
need to work out why this happened. (Both -arm-cross and -armel-cross
libraries are installed.)

Are there known problems with building arm and armel binaries

I've also got an update in SVN for the Emdebian lintian check which got
confused about ARM vs armel binaries and thought that the files were the
wrong architecture. That will be fixed in the next version of
emdebian-tools. (Just copy the checks/emdebian file from SVN
into /usr/share/lintian/checks/ to fix the problem.)

emdebian-tools v1.4.1 will be migrating into testing in 5 days time (it
already has a freeze exception in place) and subsequent uploads in the
1.4.x series will be made only to Emdebian until I get back from DebConf
(or maybe after I get back from Extremadura as the two are quite close
together). At that time, I'll see whether emdebian-tools would need to
be uploaded to proposed-testing-updates as 1.5.0. There could be several
releases in the 1.4.x series during DebCamp and DebConf.

Please test with 1.4.1 whilst I am away and *file bugs* if there are
problems running 1.4.1 on Lenny. I need real bug reports in the BTS in
order for the requested fixes to make it into Lenny now that the freeze
is in place. I will be on IRC and contactable via email (subject to
DebConf network support) whenever I can during DebCamp and DebConf. Most
of my work during DebCamp will be on TDebs and associated i18n support
in Emdebian and Debian but I'll also be seeking to nobble various DD's
who have so far stalled fixes for their cross-building bugs. ;-) (NMU's
will be done if such bugs remain open *after* Lenny is released.)


Neil Williams

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