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Re: Linux Expo Amsterdam posters / flyers

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:44:16PM +0100, J.A. Bezemer wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Joost van Baal wrote:
> > > And the debian_propaganda3* is still BETA; do use gv but not lpr yet ;-)
> > 
> > Could you upload a new version please? I can't see the Debian side, it's
> > fallen off the page :(
> Oh, yeah. That's the stupid WP driver that thinks it knows about bounding
> boxes. Either force gv to A4 format (next to the magn. button) or edit the
> BoundingBox values at the very end of the .ps. That's not needed for printing
> however; printers seem to ignore the BBox entirely.
> If you want gv to default to anything else than BBox, have something like
> GV.pageMedia: A4
> in your ~/.gv

A, that helps, thanks. BTW, mentioning, aside from Linux and Hurd, BSD
is a bit optimistic, I think. Or have I missed some new development?

The rest of the propaganda sounds very OK to me.
> > BTW, I hacked the PostScript Debian logo's, to facilitate things for
> > the Tshirt printing guy. If anyone would like to print shirts, please
> > give a yell.
> I've also done some hacking; turned out to be quite simple. There's a new
> version of debian-logo-horizontal.eps at
>   http://panic.et.tudelft.nl/~costar/linuxexpoamsterdam2001/deblogo/
> and you can get a .ps of it in any format with something like
>   poster -v -m a4 -p a4 -c 0% -w +0.5,0.5cm infile.eps > outfile.ps
> Change both "a4"s to the format you want. ps2pdf will get you .pdf if you
> need that.

Tnx. I'll check out tomorrow, if I can get some posters arranged.
> > What time do you think you'll be at the Expo on monday? I could be there at 
> > 17:00.
> I currently have the intention to be there at 14:00, but if I have to wait for
> three hours for anyone to show up, I don't know if I'll stick to that.

O, I'll be there at 14:00 then.

See ya,



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