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[LT Infomail#10] Network News and Last Minute Infos - Debian


This is probably the last mail that I write before LinuxTag begins.
I'm looking forward to meeting you all at LinuxTag.  Have a lot of fun
at LinuxTag and enjoy it!

 x. Joey on the Road

    When you read this mail, I'm already on the road, travelling to
    Stuttgart with a car full of strange stuff.  If nothing serious
    occurs I expect to arrive there at the afternoon.

    This means that I cannot be reached via mail, and even if I see
    the mail at some time, I probably won't be able to respond in
    time.  For urgent requests please use the phone numbers of our
    office in Kaiserslautern (0631/3109371 and 0631/3109373).  One or
    both numbers should be routed to our Stuttgart office on tuesday
    or wednesday.

    In Stuttgart you'll find our office at the lower floor of Congress
    Center B in room XIIa.

    If you still have questions, please check all ten infomails that
    I've sent, your question may already be covered there.  They are
    all stored here:


 x. Network

    Did you make the same mistake like me and also thought that having
    not enough IP numbers and having to masquerade is the worst
    scenario?  We lost, entirely.  There will be _exact one_ network
    connection for each pavillon (for 4 to 8 booths) and we can use
    only one Class-C network.  Due to the structure of the network we
    cannot use a general masquerading host to multiply the address
    range.  Isn't that pure wonderful?

    We are trying to get at least some small switches for each
    pavillon.  But: Please take all your hubs and switches with you
    and help us build the network on wednesday.  I'm already heaving
    nightmares about having a selfmorphing, chaotic and not-working
    network at LinuxTag.  Please also take all your *long* network
    cables with you.

    If you have good ideas how to manage this type of network, please
    drop by at the office and discuss it with me.  There are currently
    163 computers registrated, but I expect this is only 60% of what
    will be there.

    I'm currently considering this solution:

    1. 200 addresses will be managed by dhcp
    2. 50 addresses are reserved for static assignments
    3. On the dhcp server a listing is generated to show current assignments
    4. For better understanding, static assignments should get a name/booth
    5. I need somebody who is around very early, doesn't leave before
       sunday and can provide a machine that can host this technique.

    Even this may or may not work since the network is said to be
    splitted somehow.  This we'll have to find out on wednesday.  The
    company providing the network (nextra) doesn't expect a working
    network before wednesday afternoon.

 x. Equipment in our Workshop Rooms

    Apparently I have forgotton to tell you how the workshop rooms
    will look like.  Thanks to those who have asked me in time.  They
    are small rooms and there should be some 50 chairs placed in it.
    There will be a screen in it and a beamer.  There will be no
    computer provided by us.  For your presentation please take your
    own computer (i.e. laptop) with you.  If this is not possible,
    please ask around the others at your booth if they can loan you a
    machine.  Please be advised not to use the most recent beta or CVS
    software since others may not have installed it.  The room will
    not have a network connection since it is too far away from the
    exhibition area so cables won't work, and there are ferroconcrete
    walls so wavelan won't work either.

 x. Spontaneous Meetings / Workshops

    Currently there are 18 spare slots in the workshop schedule.  If
    you want to use a room during the exhibition spontaneously, please
    check if the room is used currently, and if not, take a pen and
    write your name and a title on the paper schedule which will be
    placed on the door of the respective room, and just use it.
    You'll find the entire schedule at the following url, a
    downloadable postscript file is available as well.


 x. Booth Responsibilities

    It is often useful if only one person is responsible for the
    entire booth if there are more than half a dozen people working at
    the booth.  Turn to that person on questions for organizational
    stuff or problems.  If the booth is too crowded by developers, it
    may also be useful if the person who is responsible for the booth
    would have the power to throw out some developers in order to
    making space for visitors.

    (This text was written and inspired by Ralf Nolden from KDE.)

 x. iCafé and LUG area

    We will have an internet Café within the exhibition area.
    However, it is meant as service to normal visitors.  I'd like to
    ask you not to use it for reading mail etc. since you would lock a
    chair + machine a visitor could use otherwise.  You are, however,
    invited to help visitors and demonstrate stuff, so they will leave
    LinuxTag thinking "Wow, what an event". :)

    There will be a booth for Linux User Groups where one can sit
    down, relax and discuss.  You are invited to drop by.

 x. IPv6 and Names

    Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org> tries to register an official
    IPv6 chunk which gets routed to the exhibition area.  Any project
    that is interested in demonstrating how IPv6 works is invited to
    join this chunk and assign official addresses to their devices.

    Bastian also tries to get the domain linuxtag.eu.org assigned to
    the exhibition network.  If you would like to use
    name.project.domain, just contact him (or somebody else in
    addition to my proposal for ip assignments from above).

 x. Booths

    Please keep the booth tidy, looking well.  For "random stuff" we
    have three storerooms, you can use.  You can place your jackets
    and other stuff there, they don't have to be at the booth.

 x. Keysigning

    Some projects depend on digital signatures, their members would
    like to improve the web of trust.  Large events like LinuxTag,
    where a lot of developers will meet, are quite helpful for this.
    Please don't forget to print our your GnuPG fingerprint and sign
    it (with a pen, so if s/o wants to exchange it he has to fake your
    signature as well).  I have written some additional information
    about keysigning, placed here:


 x. Sleeping at the gym hall

    You will need at least these things for personal use:
    . towel
    . soap or similar stuff
    . sleeping bag

    A camping mat should not be required since there are some mats in
    a gym hall normally.

    Since, at the moment, it is not yet decided if dinner and
    breakfast will be provided, I'll better drop the costs here.
    Dinner will be about DM 10-15,--, breakfast about DM 3,-- as well
    a lunchpackage.

 x. Press people

    It is quite possible, that some press people will be around,
    looking for good stories and seeking for information.  I'm sure
    you'll do your best to provide whatever they want to hear, right?

 x. Dismantling the booth

    The show ends on sunday at 16 o'clock (4pm).  The booth can be
    cleaned up at the same day or on monday from 7am to 4pm.  Please
    do not leave any valuable stuff at the booth over night.  Last
    year two computers got feet and wandered off.  If you can only
    transport valuable equipment on Monday morning and it could be
    easily carried away (normal pc boxes for example), please contact
    me so we can store it in the office, which will be locked.

    Since we have had some trouble with regard to garbage after the
    show, please use the proper plastic bags for garbage and don't
    throw it around blindly.

See you in Stuttgart,


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