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Re: Debian Release Party (Germany)

Hi Joey, 

On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 02:15:43PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> In order to calculate food and fluids, please sign up at the party web
> page at <http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/party/>.  We are able to sleep
> at the youth house as well, so a sleeping bag and camping mat would be
> a good idea to take with you.  The above url contains a detailed
> description on how to get there, though it's in German.  If you would
> like to attend and don't understand the instructions, please contact me.

I just signed up myself. I will attend and at least a good friend will
come with me and perhaps Jan-Palic will be there as well. Jan, do
you have time? In case you don't read this mail, I will write an SMS 
after getting up again ;)



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