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Re: linux kongress 2002 booth


Basically I can acknowledge all the times I am scheduled for, but I am
not sure if it will be possible to leave an event on-time to be
available immediately at the booth. Also events probably won't finish
on-time etc...

Furthermore I believe the schedule should probably not be cut in so
many small pieces. Maybe we should try to schedule only 2 hour
blocks or so!?

Noel Koethe <noel@koethe.net> writes:

> 	Wednesday for setting up the booth
> Andreas Müller
> Noel Köthe

Depending on the time when we can start with the setup I might also be
available for this. At 12:30 I will join a tutorial, but before this I
am available.

> Anybody else missing?

IIRC there were some more people listed on [1].


[1] http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/LinuxKongress2002/organisation.html

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

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