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Re: LinuxTag CD bzw. DVD

On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Michael Bramer wrote:

> > I would stay another year with CDs or choose a dual way with CDs
> > and DVDs if it's not to expensive and too confusing for the
> > visitors.

> If we make both (CDs and DVDs) the edition is smaller and the per
> piece price is higher.

And we need more disks, because many people will take both of them
(one CD for the old machines as an installation CD and one DVD as an
archive or for the newer machines).

IMHO it would be great to have both, but if we don't have the
money/time to master both and to produce at least as many CDs as last
year (plus half the number of CDs as DVDs), I personally would prefer
to create only a CD.

BTW: The LinuxTag 2002 CD is really great.  We always use it to set up
new machines at our company with it and it was copied many times now.
The advantage of this CD over the official 6 CD set is, that it
contains most necessary packages and all missing can be installed via
the net.



 * roland@spinnaker.de * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *

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