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Re: Upcoming Events in Europe


here's a quick update:

Joey Schulze wrote:
> I've checked my events calendar[1] and found several exhibitions that
> currently seem to lack a Debian presence.
> Here's the list of events with the associated dates and locations:

You might have guessed this already, it's autumn, the German
conference season.

 Oct 7-10    Linux Kongress                                      Hamburg       Germany     
 Oct 10-11   Kieler Linuxtage                                    Kiel          Germany     
 Oct 11      Magdeburger Open-Source-Tag                         Magdeburg     Germany     
 Oct 21-24   Systems                                             Munich        Germany     
 Oct 25-26   T-Dose                                              Eindhoven     Netherlands 
 Oct 28-30   Open Source Expo                                    Mainz         Germany     
 Nov 7-9     UKUUG Linux                                         Manchester    U.K.        
 Nov 8       Linux-Info-Tag                                      Dresden       Germany     
 Nov 10      Linuxday Vorarlberg                                 Dornbirn      Austria     
 Nov 12-13   LinuxWorld                                          Utrecht       Netherlands 
 Nov 15-16   Come2Linux                                          Essen         Germany     
 Nov 15      Oldenburger Linux-Informationstag                   Oldenburg     Germany     

Of these events only T-Dose, Linux Kongress and Systems seem to have
an organised Debian presence.  The other events still seem to be in
need of interested people wanting to run a booth there and/or give
talks with Debian background.

For the Oldenburg event I will be around and represent Debian as well
as play local admin, so help is definitively appreciated.

Coordination for German events can also take place in the Debian Wiki[2].
The Systems presence already has its own page at [3]

>  1. http://www.infodrom.org/Linux/calendar.html
>  2. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe
   3. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDeSystems2008



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