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Re: Disappointment about the appearance of our CLT booth


Michael Meskes schrieb:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 08:14:28PM +0100, Michael Mohn wrote:
>> what about allways trying to get adjacent booths and join them to 
>> have more space and more workpower to do a nice setup?
> We did something similar a few years ago at LinuxWorld in Frankfurt 
> when we joined the Debian, the KDE and the PostgreSQL booth, which
> was a major success IMO.

Btw: Debian just got accepted for this year's LinuxTag ;-)

As soon as we start working on the floorplan, I will contact Debian and
sidux whether we place both projects adjacent or on opposite corners of
the exhibition hall. Please discuss this internally.

Maybe you remember the disagreements between the German Ubuntu und
Kubuntu exhibition teams till 2006? Although there were many issues
within the xbuntu family many caused by misunderstandings on each side,
both teams learned that it makes sense to have a joint booth. I just
want to mention a few advantages:
 - A larger booth attracts more visitors because there should be more
   interesting stuff to see and you get more contact area in terms of
   open corners of the booth to the aisle.
 - Newbies are most likely not able to distinguish between very similar
   projects and like it more to have one central place to stop by
   (one of the most stated wish in our visitor survey).
 - In case manpower of one project is a little bit less at some time,
   the staff from other project could at least give basic answers or
   call somebody to help.
In my opinion you should give this experiment at least a chance. Even if
Debian does not wish to have a joined appearance with sidux or similar
projects, it should embrace a neighbourhood of products based or derived
from Debian around the own booth.

Anyhow, if you think it makes sense to organise an up to two hours
lasting meeting between sidux and Debian whilst LinuxTag. We can even
provide you a room in the evening (like 18-20h), so everyone from the
project would be able to participate. Please reserve the room early when
we start the 'Call for Workshops'.


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