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Fwd: [English] FOSScamp 2017 @ Syros, Greece

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Subject: 	[English] FOSScamp 2017 @ Syros, Greece
Date: 	Thu, 29 Jun 2017 10:12:26 +0000
From: 	Redon Skikuli <info@openlabs.cc>
Reply-To: 	Forumi i Open Labs Hackerspace
To: 	daniel@pocock.pro

[rskikuli] 	rskikuli <https://forum.openlabs.cc/u/rskikuli> Redon
Skikuli <https://forum.openlabs.cc/u/rskikuli> Open Labs Board Member
June 29

Hello friends,

announcing the 2nd edition of Free Libre Open Source Camp (FOSScamp)
that will take place from 31.08.2017 - 03.09.2017 in the beautiful
island of Syros in Greece.
There are many changes to this years edition so please read below all
the details:

*Additional activities*
The floss related activities will take place during 31.08 (starting in
the morning) – 03.09 (ending in the evening), but keep in mind that some
of the participants might be staying some more days until 6.09.2017 to
enjoy the city, which is something highly recommended. Syros is a
beautiful island with (not low but) reasonable prices for a tourist
destination in high season, great food, after hour activities, really
good public transportation and beautiful beaches;

*Focus of FOSScamp 2017*
The theme of this year will be the documentation of the island in 360'
imagery with geolocation. This means there will be Wikipedia editing of
elements related to the island in different languages including but not
limited to SQ language, GR and EN, Mapillary contributions, Mozilla
WebVR workshop (using 360 images we will upload on Wikimedia Commons),
OpenStreetMap contributions and other hackactivities. Be prepared for
3.5 days of intensive hard work followed by a lot of sun, sea and fun;

there is an early participation fee of 45euros fee for the participants
(deadline 6.08.2017 @ 23.00). After this the late participation fee will
be 60Euros and the latest deadline 10.08.2017. There will be also
student tickets with significant discount and also possibilities for
people that are unemployed.
The participation fee will help the organizing team offer a better
experience and more organized activities for everyone with the lowest
possible cost. This fee is important also to avoid last minute
cancellations without any particular reason, something we had last year
as well;
- in addition we will apply for financial support from related
organizations (Wikipedia and Mozilla might be some of them, but without
limitation to those) with the ultimate goal of covering some of the
costs since the majority of the people interested from Open Labs are
students and/or with access to limited budget for such activities.

The initial plan was to go camping, but there are no camping sites near
Ermoupolis (the main city of the island). Ermoupolis is a very nice
place to stay with many cultural events going on. Once you get your
ticket we will inform you about the places we are planning to stay and
will proceed together with the booking. The earlier you get your ticket
the better from us the cheap the accommodation for you since we can
negotiate easier.

Travel is something we can help you with proposals, but you have to
handle the tickets by yourself. The plan is to take the same ferry on
Sept 30th from Athens. It will be a lot of fun if we are together and of
course cheaper that taking the plane at this season. :slight_smile:

*Organizing entity*
the organizing entity will be Ura and will take the responsibility for
the work related to the promotion (more participants the better for OLs
in terms of financial support), online and offline payment logistics,
group bookings and detailed agenda and safety;

*Support for the hackerspace*
Open Labs will receive 20% generated from the entry fee revenue to the
hackerspace. This will make it a win win for all the involved people.

There will be a second announcement with even more details about the
agenda and Syros in general so please have a look at this thread from
time to time.
If you are part of a community that can support you financially please
post here so that we get organized accordingly. As mentioned before the
above are based on the learnings of the experience of the previous year
in order to provide the best experience to the participants.

Later today you will be informed about the link where you can get the
tickets and more details.
Please write here if you have any questions or contact the organizing
team at: hello (at) ura.design.




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