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SnowCamp, change your plans now


repost from http://layer-acht.org/thinking/blog/20200217-SnowCamp/

This is just a late reminder that there are still some seats available for
<a href="https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/it/2020/SnowCamp";>SnowCamp</a>, taking place
at the end of this week and during the whole weekend somewhere in the Italian mountains.

I believe it will be a really nice opportunity to hack on Debian things and thus 
I'd hope that there won't be empty seats, though atm this is the case.

The venue is reachable by train and Debian will be covering the cost of accomodation,
so you just have to cover transportation and meals.

The event starts in three days, so hurry up and whatever you plans are, change them!

If you have any further questions, join #suncamp (yes!) on irc.debian.org.


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