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Re: Participation at Fall COMDEX

I've received the following offer.  Is somebody interested in giving
a talk about any Debian-related subject and/or fighting for a Debian

James Turner wrote:
> Good day,
>    I'm co-organizing the Open Source Innovations Center of the Fall
> COMDEX show floor, and am contacting you to see if you'd be interesting
> in participating.
>    The first piece of good news is that it's free.  In return for
> participating in the Center, you will receive press exposure from COMDEX
> as well as on-floor signage at no cost to you.
>    The second piece of good news is that Open Source is one of the seven
> main themes of COMDEX 2003, so you can rest assured that if you
> participate, you'll be right in the center of things.
>    In specific, the Open Source Innovations Center will consists of:

It's size is 50' x 50' (we guess it's 16m x 16m)

> Directly adjecent to the Pavillion will be tables available to vendors
> and organizations essentially at cost ($100 is the number I'm hearing
> kicked about, but it's still in the air.)

This is not an option for us, though.

> - A speaker's area, where case studies and best practices in open source
> will be discussed.  We are looking for industry insiders and customers
> with experience in Open Source to speak.

Reimbursement for travel expenses are not possible.

> - A clinic area, where attendees will be able to meet with open source
> evangelists and developers, and learn how to use open source in their
> businesses.

Whatever that is...

> - A demo area, where we will hold product demonstrations and "install
> parties" where people can be guided through installing open source
> software on their laptop on the spot.

I guess this is where a Debian booth could materialise just "suddenly".

> What we need from you is bodies.  Specifically, speakers and
> knowledgable evangelists who can assist in the clinic and demo areas.
> As I mentioned before, in return for your assistance, your participation
> will be well-publicized on the show floor.
> For your reference, the show days will be Nov 17-20th, 2003, in Las
> Vegas of course.
> James Turner
> Director of Software Development
> Benefit Systems, Inc.
> turner@blackbear.com
> Track Chair, Strategic Open Source
> 2003 Fall COMDEX



All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory...
	-- Larry Wall

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