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Re: T-Dose 2007

Op 22-06-2007 om 13:31 schreef Thijs Kinkhorst:
> Hi all,
> [T-Dose is a new open source event in Eindhoven NL, to be held in October]
> On Friday 15 June 2007 18:11, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> > I'm interested in arranging a Debian presence at T-Dose, of course under
> > the condition that I'm not alone in that, but I think that can be arranged.
> > Can you give us some more details about the event: is there some kind of
> > booth-like presentation possible for projects like ours?
> Ok, at least myself and Joost van Baal have indicated to come, and I've 
> received word from some others that they're at least interested to come, so 
> that should provide enough people to set up a booth at least.
> I doubt we could fill a devroom at this point. Joost suggests that it might be 
> better to have a Debian-related presentation on one of the main tracks, which 
> I agree with.
> If someone is interested in giving a talk to the T-Dose audience feel free to 
> submit it, see www.t-dose.org.
> I propose to do any further discussion on this event either on the 
> debian-events-nl list or on #debian-nl on OFTC.

T-dose is dichterbij aan het komen ...

Een mogelijkheid om het een en ander te bespreken is Debian's verjaardag,
donderdag 16 augustus in Breda. Zie ook http://wiki.debian.org/Debian14th

Geert Stappers

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