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Re: IP masq package Q

On Sat, 26 Jun 1999 19:47:58 -0700, Brendon Baumgartner wrote:

>I'm using IPmasq, but I don't understand how to PROPERLY add stuff like
>rules and whatnot. I looked for docs in /usr/doc, and didn't see anything
>usefull. I want to change protocol pripories and timeouts because the
>defaults are VERY annoying. Well, if anyone wants to elaborate on the
>strucure used in /etc/ipmasq, please do. Thanks.

Do you happen to be able to read German? For a report I've prepared a table 
that gives exact descriptions for each of the default rules. Unfortunately 
it's (yet) not available in English, only in German. But if time allows I will 
translate it into English.


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