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Re: Howto pass parameters from dhclient?

dhclient doesn't use /etc/dhcpc. dhclient passes values as variables
(for example $old_ip_address and $new_ip_address) into scripts. See
/etc/dhclient-script for examples and modify /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks
or /etc/dhclient-enter-hooks to handle the config changes you need to
make. Make sure you check $REASON before doing anything in enter- or
exit-hooks. These scripts may be called more often than you initially
suspect and you probably only want to make modifications to the firewall
in certain conditions.

On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 05:11:06PM +1000, mdevin@ozemail.com.au wrote:
> I am trying to pass the parameters for IPADDR, DHCPSIADDR,
> DHCPSHADDR, DNS to my firewall after dhclient negotiates them.
> How do I get them, what file are they stored in?
> I heard that the file should be /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.info but this
> file does not seem to be correct and does not seem to change when
> dhclient does its stuff.
> How do you do this?
> Thanks.
> Mark.

Lee Bradshaw                 lee@sectionIV.com
Texas Instruments            bradshaw@ti.com

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