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Re: kernel with ip_nat_h323

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Alexander Clouter wrote:

> On Jan 17, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> >
> > This all spells too much "bleeding edge" to me. I also had problems
> > applying those patches on kernel 2.4.17. Has anybody got this
> > configuration built and working for some time (with a resonably recent 2.4
> > kernel)?
> >
> like the one I have done? :)My patch applies to a vanilla 2.4.17 and is:
> linux-2.4.17-newnat-crypto-qos-xfs.patch.bz2
> where various useful bits (except for BoFH features ;) ) from the newnat
> package have been installed, including h323patch.crypto is the loop-iv
> patch for the kernel so crypto graphic filing systems work on any device and
> with the cryptoapi package, qos is the WRR/HBQ queues added and xfs is
> obviously the XFS filing system.
> however you might say you don't want all these things, well lucky for you if
> you don't turn them on they don't do anything :)
> this patch I have been running for some time on the flat server and my laptop
> and have had no problems.Its 900k but I'm sure you will cope :)

Please do. Xfs is not something I need now (ext3 is enough for what I
need), but I wanted be able to apply kernel-patch-int on the latest 2.4

> As new kernel versions come out I usually make the new patch, I now know
> where it all goes....crazy and needs my mannual touches :)The last thing I
> wanted to try and put in this is the grsecurity patch, however due to a bunch
> of clashing ID codes XFS + grsec = unhappy segfaulting kernel :(

Another suggetstion: freeswan.

Tzafrir Cohen

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