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Re: cleaning up my firewall script...

Richard Verwayen wrote:
Hello Bjoern,

Hello Richard,

you are right! There is no need for them!

i removed the last three lines. Since then the kernel used the INPUT chain policy two times to drop packets:

iptables -vL

Chain INPUT (policy DROP 2 packets, 316 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 223K 39M ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED 1134 58488 LAN all -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere state NEW 45 2714 LOOPBACK all -- lo any anywhere anywhere 0 0 DSL_IN tcp -- ppp0 any anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:ssh 0 0 DSL_IN tcp -- ppp0 any anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:auth 78 4902 SHRED all -- any any anywhere anywhere

The last rule in this chain is:

        iptables -N SHRED
        iptables -A INPUT   -j SHRED
        iptables -A SHRED   -j ULOG
        iptables -A SHRED   -j DROP

This rule should match on all packets so that the chain
policy will never be used, but it does not work correctly.
Where is the mistake?

Bjoern Schmidt

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