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Re: IPMasquerading and Domestic LAn


I can recommend the firestarter firewall (http://firestarter.sf.net)
which is a GUI for IPtables, and with that you can do firewalling, NAT
(share your Internet link) and a lot of cool things, this program it
creates a /etc/firestarter/firewall.sh script. If you need more custom
things, you can edit that file. But if you want to know how to do a
firewall by hand (with iptables rules) you should read the iptables
tutorial by Oskar Andreasson, you can find it here
http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/ I think is the best iptables

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 06:19, faz wrote:
> HI!
> I'd like to configure a Woody stable like gateway (router,firewall) for 
> a domestic lan.
> I have a cable connection with a router  (Fast Web from Italy) that  
> offer dhcp.
> Giacomo Mulas (thanks very much) suggest me to use 2.4 kernel, so I 
> recompile it in woody.
> Brandon L. Noard (thanks very much) suggest to look www.aboutdebian.com, 
> and it seems very very useful.
>  I'd like connect in the lan some winzozzz client for using winmx, can I 
> have some problem????
> Thank you very much
> Ciao!
> Faz.
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