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Re: man-in-the-middle

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 08:21 pm, Hans du Plooy wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I need to drop a box inbetween two public services (windows boxen), that
> will route traffic between the two.   They *can* see each other directly,
> but are not allowed to (for reasons beyond my control).   So far so good,
> except for one thing.  It looks like this:
> A (win)  -----------------------  B (lin) ------------------------  C (win)
> What should happen is that A will contact B (on B's IP) thinking that it is
> the windows PC.  And vice-versa.  C will contact B (on B's IP) thinking it
> is A.  So NATing both ways.   Any traffic arriving at A sent from C will
> look to A as if it's coming from B, and vice versa.   I hope that's clear
> enough.
> B has two interfaces, and I have no access to  A or C - can't change
> anything on them.  Let's say the IPs are:
> A =
> B = and
> C =
> I've been reading loads of iptables docs, most of Rusty Russel's stuff too
> but it's confusing me more.  From what he writes it almost looks like I'll
> need more than one machine inbetween, which is also out of the question
> (rackspace costs money).
> Any suggestions will be appreciated!
> Thanks
> --
> Kind regards
> Hans du Plooy
> Newington Consulting Services
> hansdp at newingtoncs dot co dot za

I belive you want it to act as a router? or use squid?

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