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IPTables Issue Now, fixed other, or figured out other.

THanks all for your help on the other problem.

I am still having connecion problems and have tried flushing setting
all to accept and saving the tables (as a starting point).  Here is
what I am having:

dante:~# ping -I eth0
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.593 ms

dante:~# ping -I eth8
PING ( from eth8: 56(84) bytes of data.
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

Now I must admit the last time I manually setup a linux firewall was A
LONG time ago.  ipchains and kernel 2.2 for an idea.  :-)

I would like to get Webmin to work with the iptables but tha does not
seem to be happening.  Anyone know which startup script sets up the
iptables rules?  And how to get rid of it.  I have checked if-up.d and
if-down.d and there is nohing in those directories.  I was looking at
this page for some help, found via google,

Let me know how stupid I am or what I am doing wrong, other than I
keep waning to type ipchains :-)

	Chris Brandstetter

-----Begin Geek Code----
GCS d+ s++:++ a- C++++ U+++ L+++ P+++ E--- W+++ o K- w-- O M V PS
PE Y+ PGP++ t++ 5+++ X++ R+ tv b++ DI+ D+ G e+ h++ r-- z?
------End Geek Code-------
To Decode:http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/

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