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Re: iptables -j ROUTE


Pokotilenko Kostik a écrit :

I'm trying to settle routing with iptables. I have a router with 2 Inet
connections, and I need routing decision upon source IP.

# iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -s -j ROUTE --oif eth0
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

So, what's wrong?

# uname -a
Linux casper 2.6.8-2-686 #1 Thu May 19 17:53:30 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

ROUTE is not a standard target included in the mainstream kernel. It is an extension from the patch-o-matic-ng. Is your kernel compiled with the ROUTE patch from the patch-o-matic-ng ?

It's Debian Sarge.

So I guess iptables version is 1.2.11 which includes support for the ROUTE target (but not for the --tee option).

However, I wonder why you want to use iptables' ROUTE instead of classic advanced routing (ip rule + alternate routing table) :

ip rule add from lookup <alt_table_number_or_name>
ip route add default dev eth0 table <alt_table_number_or_name>

Phil :
Why are you talking about a built-in target ? Many standard targets are not built-in but extensions : REJECT, LOG, MARK, DNAT, SNAT... By the way, REJECT is not a built-in target.

Stanislav :
AFAIK the ROUTE target has never been included in the mainstream kernel sources yet.

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