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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] "foundry" part is ? (Re: Font packages renaming mini-HOWTO?)

Quoting Hideki Yamane (henrich@debian.or.jp):
> Hi all,
> On Thu, 5 May 2011 06:28:43 +0200
> Christian PERRIER <bubulle@debian.org> wrote:
> > This is good as I think we reached some kind of consensus with last
> > proposals, assuming the "foundry" part is considered to be optional.
>  Any conclusion?
>   a. to be optional
>   b. should not be present at all unless there are multiple packages with the same name
>   c. other

I'd vote for a., as a "should"

Something like "When a foundry or font author provides several fonts
that are packaged separately, package names should include the
foundry (or author's) name before the font name:

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