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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Update for fonts-sil-annapurna

Dear Bobby,

I just had a look through the packagging that I could find here:

A few remarks...

- You add versioned Breaks and Replaces against a package that is not in
Debian. Why is this necessary and what happens for version numbers (>=
1.202)? If this is indeed an unversioned Breaks, please turn it into a
Conflicts relationship instead.
- Why on earth should a font package suggest a shared library? Please
remove this line.

- This file shouldn't be necessary if you install the fonts by an
'install' file, which you do.

- So you install the WOFF font files into the documentation directory. And
while I find that ugly and close to unacceptable, I have to admit that we
currently don't have any real alternative without triggering fontconfig.
What I'd like better, though, would be if you could install the files into
/usr/share/fonts-sil-annapurna/woff (i.e. without "fonts/") and symlink
the files into the documentation directory. Strictly speaking, they aren't
documentation itself but merely needed to properly render the docs.


 - Fabian

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