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[Freedombox-discuss] Kickstarter's initial goal was reached

On 23 February 2011 15:52, James Vasile <james at hackervisions.org> wrote:

> $60K is a floor, not a ceiling. ?It is the minimum we need to start
> making this a real project, but it is not enough to fully fund the
> project. ?The more money we raise from the public, the more money we can
> raise from industry and grants. ?Even $1 donations help us prove the
> viability of our efforts.

I've seen the figures of $500,000 to delivery within a year attributed
to Eben [1]. What is the business plan for this and where does FOSS
fit in? What will this funding pay for? There has been much discussion
on this mailing list of potential features and ideas and some of us
are investing a reasonable amount of time even at this stage. What are
we contributing to and is there really any point in discussing the
this device if key decisions have already been made behind currently
closed doors? Or should I just wait for the FAQ?


[1] The Register : FOSS maven says $29 'Freedom Box' will kill
Facebook : http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/17/eben_moglen_freedom_box/

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