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[Freedombox-discuss] freedombox & blackhats

Most large networks I've been to that care about security would notice a
machine hardwired into their network that wasn't pre-approved based off the
mac address of the ethernet interface alone.  They'd be able to locate it
just by the wirepath.

Wireless is a different issue, but most internal wireless is configured to
only allow vpn traffic to their own gateway... so again blocked.


But I suppose in more lax environments it might be easy to cause damage.
But it's not like this tech hasn't been around for near 10 years now.


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Thomas Lord <lord at emf.net> wrote:

> Hacker News brought an interesting link today:
> http://blog.andrewcantino.com/post/3565673304/why-plug-computers-are-a-security-nightmare
> The gist is that if blackhat hackers can penetrate your
> environment and stealthily install some plug computers -
> loaded with suitable software - those bugs would be
> hard not notice, could sniff your wireless traffic (or,
> if connected, your network), and can stealthily move that
> information back towards the blackhat mothership.
> Which is nothing new.  People have known about that kind
> of thing of years.  Trends in plug computing make the
> threat cheaper to execute and easier to conceal - that's
> the main thing.
> After reading that I was thinking what this meant
> to Freedombox.   I came up with two items:
> 1. The network hardening and stealth communications
> ambitions of FreedomBox might *also* be a boon to
> blackhat applications.   That might give some people
> and organizations incentive to interfere with or
> corrupt those aspects of FreedomBox development.
> 2. If it is born out that such features are an important
> new security threat, presumably there will be investment
> in R&D to create and sell counter-measures to FreedomBox-style
> mesh networking, tunneling, etc.
> To be clear: I don't see anything that "needs to be done"
> in response to these speculated problems other than,
> perhaps, to keep them in the back of our minds.
> -t
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