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[Freedombox-discuss] [FBox-Visual] New FBx Foundation Website Theme

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean O'Brien [mailto:me at seandiggity.com]
> Not completely finished with it yet, but I figured I'd post the new
> http://freedomboxfoundation.org theme for feedback (and also so that
> everyone knows I'm actually working on this):
I would like to see a language drop box (default to English) at the top of
the page so that as soon as you arrive at the site you can switch to your
preferred language. Buried at the bottom of the page seems to be the wrong
place for me.

I find the two columns of content confusing. I would prefer to see one

I would prefer to see the FBX mission to be shortened to "Building software
to make freedom of thought a permanent, ineradicable feature of the net."
and placing it in the free space in the top left corner so that it's with
you on every page.

To me the video is a news story older than the latest news story, yet it's
above the latest news story. Why is in not in the news archives already?

My preference was the RSS and Atom buttons be beside the "news" title as it
was in Roberts earlier mock-up. I like your idea to shortened the article
with a read more. I would prefer the news archives articles to sit below the
latest news article followed by a more news link to the news page. I guess
the News title could link to the News archives page too. Personally, I would
like to see the News articles dated - gives it a more newsy feel, but I
realize that's outside your control :(

The Navigation Bar has a News link which takes you to the Home page. I would
have expected the link to take me to the News archives. There is no Home
link. The old theme sub pages seems to have a navigation breadcrumb trail.
Will the new theme have one? Do you need a breadcrumb trail widget on a home

I am not a web designer. I cannot give you technical recommendations like
Robert. These are just my gut feel of what I think works. I hope it's of
some value.

- fiftyfour - 

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