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[Freedombox-discuss] status of lxc in debian wheezy (was: Re: jails in Debian?)

+++ Rob van der Hoeven [2013-02-04 16:56 +0100]:

> I think most Debian users want Debian LXC containers. This is not
> possible in the upcoming Wheezy release. So yes, i think this bug
> severely cripples LXC. Already contacted its maintainer about this, but
> i had the impression that he had tried but could do nothing about the
> situation. Also put a request on the release mailing list to temporarily
> un-freeze LXC so the fix could be in Wheezy (Got no reply there).   

OK. I suspect the problem is that a) this bug did not have a
high-enough priority when filed so its seriousness was not
appreciated, and the fix for it is mixed in with a lot of other fixes,
which may well be useful too, but are not going to enamour the release
managers to a simple unblock of the newer version.

A fix for the version in wheezy for _just_ this issue so that lxc
becomes usuable would be a very good thing. It doesn't look hard from
the diffs between that and the two following versions in which it was
fixed, but I know nothing of lxc so could well mess up such a fix. If
you could prepare and test such a patch and add it to the bugrep that
would help. 

I've asked on the release list whether a) they agree that this is
Release-Critical and b) whether an upload would be allowed if it fixed
_only_ this issue. (copied to the bug). It may well be too late and
this will have to go in the 1st wheezy update, but it does seem like
something that really should be fixed. 

There is no doubt a correct thing to do about marking bugs as 'fixed
in unstable but not in wheezy' but I'm not sure of the correct rune.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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