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[Freedombox-discuss] Joining a mesh network with BATMAN

Thanks Dietmar,

You're probably right about the unattended upgrade. I can see that I run
Plinth 0.11.0 now.
I remember having installed the FreedomBox image version 0.9.

Do those versions match or are they maintained separately? I mean, if I
install the image version 0.9, does it mean I'll have Plinth 0.9?
In that case it would mean that indeed it has been updated.

I really need mesh to work so I will do more research.
If anyone has successfully done it please let me know!


On 21/11/16 07:50, permondes - sagen wrote:
> Am Montag, den 21.11.2016, 01:18 +0100 schrieb Bastien Rocheron:
>> Hello again,
>> Something very strange happened. As I was logged in through SSH trying
>> to understand this issue, suddenly my user was not recognized any more
>> and I received a message close to something like: user 1000 unknown, who
>> are you?
>> Then I logged out from ssh, tried to login again but was unable. The web
>> interface disappeared as well. That lasted for long enough that I gave
>> up trying.
>> After an hour or two I tried again and was greeted again by the web
>> interface. The weird thing is that it had changed. I had noticed that I
>> did not have the 'Disks' module in the menu and now it is there.
>> So I tried immediately to create a new network interface and now the web
>> interface accepts the channel and BSSID settings.
>> I am really curious as to what happened. It is great that things get
>> solved by itself but at the same time I fear automation is out of control.
> Maybe during that our the unattended-upgrade was working to bring you to
> 0.11. This would explain you got "Disks" and can now (partly) work with
> mesh.
>> Now I have followed the guide again and successfully created the first
>> interface for ad-hoc wireless and I can see on my router that this
>> interface is connected. But the bat0 interface did not get created in
>> the process and the second step is thus not possible.
>> I have done a lsmod and realized that no batman module was loaded. So I
>> first checked with modprobe that it can be loaded. Then I added
>> batman-adv in my /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf and rebooted.
>> I now have batman_adv loaded along with its dependencies.
>> But trying again from scratch does not bring up bat0.
> I am afraid, I have no experience (yet) on mesh networks. For my system
> knowledge, it is still in a too early state and I rather wait for
> further development.
>> If no suggestion is made I will try to bring it up manually. But I guess
>> this will conflict with network manager. I need to understand how it is
>> managed.
>> Cheers
> Dietmar
>> On 20/11/16 17:59, Bastien Rocheron wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to join an existing mesh network (I have created it and have
>>> already various nodes in it) with freedombox.
>>> I am following the instructions found in the manual, specifically
>>> Joining a mesh network.
>>> The issue is that various settings are not available in the interface
>>> while adding a network connection(I'm using the latest image).
>>> For example I can't set the channel nor BSSID, without which, nodes
>>> can't join the network (as far as I'm aware).
>>> And thus in the next step I can't locate bat0 as an interface.
>>> Do you have any recommendations?
>>> Cheers.
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