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[Freedombox-discuss] Low Cost Community Wi-Fi Networks

On 03/02/2017 01:56 PM, Sibi Kanagaraj wrote:
> Hello Sunil ,
> First of all congrats to  FreedomBox and Swecha team . As such I see a
> workshop
> <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/freedombox-discuss/2017-March/007877.html>
> lined up for 18th and 19 th of March , 2017 . Will it be possible for us
> to conduct a similar workshop in TamilNadu ? . FSFTN
> <https://fsftn.org/> team would be really interested in taking up a
> community project like this .

It would be nice if some of you can make it to Hyderabad for the
workshop, later we can team up and do another workshop together in Tamil
Nadu or perhaps one implementation.


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