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Re: built packages based on Apr 15 snapshot

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 05:38:17PM -0600, Matt Taggart wrote:
> Hi debian-gcc,
> FYI...
> I built newer gcc-3.0 packages for hppa based on a cvs snapshot most recently 
> synced up with upstream cvs on 2001-04-15. So basically I just replaced the 
> gcc-20010403.tar.bz2 tarball with a newer one. When building I ran into a 
> patch failure with debian/patches/sonames.dpatch because 
> libjava/libtool-version changed upstream slightly,
> - 1:0:0
> + 2:0:0
> After fixing sonames.dpatch all patches apply(with some offsets) and 
> everything build/works fine. Some patches will need to be regen'd to get rid 
> of the offsets but that should be easy.

BTW, I'm a bit concerned about the soname stuff being used for hppa.
What happens when we get a final ABI, and want to get rid of the hack?
Wont it break things on hppa? Should we resolve this now?

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`  bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bcollins@linux.com  '

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